5 Keys To Unlocking Mental Wellbeing

Embracing Nature

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where technology dominates and urban landscapes prevail, it is simple to overlook the profound impact that nature can have on our mental health. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, nature is crucial in fostering emotional well-being. Here are five compelling reasons why reconnecting with nature is essential for your mental health.

1. Stress Reduction

The soothing sounds of rustling leaves, the gentle river flow, or birds’ calming chirps – nature provides a realistic remedy to the stresses of everyday life. Research consistently shows that spending time in natural environments lowers cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. Whether it’s a stroll through a park or a weekend getaway to the countryside, immersing yourself in nature can significantly alleviate stress and promote a sense of tranquility.

2. Improved Mood & Reduced Anxiety

Nature has a powerful impact on mood regulation and anxiety reduction. Openness to green spaces has been connected to enriched serotonin levels, the neurotransmitter associated with happiness. Moreover, spending time in natural settings has been shown to relieve signs of anxiety and depression. The simplicity of nature starkly contrasts the complexity of daily life, offering a respite for the mind and a chance to reset.

3. Enhanced Creativity & Focus

Nature has a remarkable ability to boost creativity and enhance cognitive function. Whether walking in the woods or simply gazing at a scenic landscape, exposure to nature has enhanced problem-solving skills and increased attention span. This ‘restorative’ effect allows the mind to take a break from constant stimuli, improving concentration and creativity when returning to tasks.

4. Physical Exercise In A Natural Setting

Engaging in physical activity is a well-known contributor to mental well-being. The benefits are even more pronounced when this exercise occurs in a natural setting. Whether hiking, cycling, or jogging through a park, outdoor activities promote physical health and provide a refreshing change of scenery that positively impacts mental health. The combination of exercise and nature creates a potent recipe for overall well-being.

5. Connection & Mindfulness

Nature encourages a sense of mindfulness – being fully present in the moment. Whether observing the intricate details of a flower or feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin, connecting with nature fosters a heightened sense of awareness. This mindfulness practice has numerous mental health benefits, including reduced rumination and increased well-being.

In a world where screens dominate, and concrete jungles prevail, prioritizing time in nature is crucial for maintaining mental health. Whether it’s a daily walk in the park, a weekend camping trip, or simply bringing more greenery into your living space, the benefits of reconnecting with nature are undeniable. As we navigate the challenges of modern life, let’s not overlook the simple yet profound therapy that nature provides for our minds and souls.


Chippy is a dreamer and optimist. She believes, we become what we hope, aspire, dream to be and knows how to make a dream or two happen. Seventeen years of experience, struggling, winning, failing, succeeding and failing again and making it, she knows what it takes to build a successful project, a business, and what it means by starting from the bottom up. It takes determination, dedication, and direction and that’s why her mission is to ‘step up & inspire.

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5 Ways To Foster Personal Growth

Five key strategies to facilitate personal growth

Personal growth is a lifelong journey that involves continuous self-improvement, self-discovery, and pursuing one’s full potential. Embracing personal growth enhances individual well-being and contributes to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. 

1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is foundational to personal growth. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than viewing them as obstacles. Understanding abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, and perseverance. Embracing a growth mindset encourages resilience, adaptability, and a positive outlook on personal development.

2. Set and Pursue Meaningful Goals

Goal-setting provides direction and purpose in life. Establishing clear, realistic, and measurable goals helps create a roadmap for personal growth. Break down long-term objectives into smaller, achievable steps, and celebrate milestones. Whether it’s advancing in your career, improving relationships, or enhancing a skill, setting and pursuing meaningful goals fosters continuous personal development.

3. Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial for personal growth. Prioritize self-care practices such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and healthy nutrition. Additionally, allocate time for activities that bring joy and relaxation. A healthy and balanced lifestyle enhances overall well-being and provides a solid foundation for personal growth and self-discovery.

4. Seek Continuous Learning

Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. Whether through formal education, workshops, or self-directed study, acquiring new knowledge and skills expands your perspective and capabilities. Stay curious, be open to new ideas, and actively seek personal and professional development opportunities. Continuous learning enriches your life and contributes to personal growth by fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of change.

5. Cultivate Positive Relationships

Surround yourself with positive influences and build meaningful connections. Cultivating relationships with individuals who support and inspire you can significantly contribute to personal growth. Seek out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and encouragement. Additionally, be mindful of your relationships, nurturing positive connections and letting go of toxic ones. Healthy relationships offer a supportive environment for personal growth and self-discovery.

Personal growth is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires dedication, self-reflection, and intentional effort. Individuals can unlock their full potential and lead more fulfilling lives by cultivating a growth mindset, setting meaningful goals, prioritizing self-care, seeking continuous learning, and fostering positive relationships. Embrace the journey of personal growth with enthusiasm, resilience, and a commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.


Chippy is a dreamer and optimist. She believes, we become what we hope, aspire, dream to be and knows how to make a dream or two happen. Seventeen years of experience, struggling, winning, failing, succeeding and failing again and making it, she knows what it takes to build a successful project, a business, and what it means by starting from the bottom up. It takes determination, dedication, and direction and that’s why her mission is to ‘step up & inspire.

Follow Art Of How To

5 New Year Aspirations to Focus On

Embrace a Fresh Start

As the calendar turns a new page and the dawn of a brand-new year approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. New Year’s aspirations offer a chance to embark on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth. In the spirit of positive change, we have five resolutions to consider focusing on in the coming year.

1. Prioritize Mental Well-being

Mental well-being often takes a backseat in a fast-paced world loaded with constant demands and pressures. This year, resolve to prioritize your mental health. It can involve incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Consider setting aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether reading a book, taking dance lessons, spending time in nature, or practicing a hobby, caring for your mental health is crucial to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

2. Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle

A classic resolution that never loses its relevance is a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Instead of setting unrealistic goals, focus on small, sustainable changes. It could include adopting a balanced diet, incorporating regular exercise into your routine, staying hydrated, and getting adequate sleep. By making gradual adjustments, you’ll be more likely to form lasting habits contributing to overall well-being.

3. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of relationships and connections. This year, let’s resolve to cultivate and strengthen meaningful associations with family, friends, and colleagues. Make an effort to spend quality time with loved ones, whether it’s through regular meet-ups, phone calls, or video chats. Building and maintaining positive relationships enhances your emotional well-being and creates a support system for both joyous and challenging times.

4. Learn and Grow

The quest for knowledge and personal growth is a resolution that can bring long-lasting blessings. Set aside time for continuous learning, whether reading books, taking online courses, or attending workshops. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and explore new interests. By fostering a curious mindset and embracing opportunities to learn, you’ll expand your horizons and enhance your adaptability and resilience.

5. Practice Gratitude

Amid life’s challenges, losing sight of the positive aspects is easy. Practicing Gratitude is a powerful resolution that can shift your focus towards appreciation and delight. Consider keeping a gratitude journal, where you jot down things you’re thankful for each day. This simple practice can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life, promoting emotional well-being and resilience in adversity.

As you embark on the journey of a new year, this determination nourishes a roadmap for personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment. The key to successful resolutions lies in realistic and sustainable commitments. This path will set the stage for a transformative and enriching year ahead. Cheers to a fresh start and the chance for positive change! 


Chippy is a dreamer and optimist. She believes, we become what we hope, aspire, dream to be and knows how to make a dream or two happen. Seventeen years of experience, struggling, winning, failing, succeeding and failing again and making it, she knows what it takes to build a successful project, a business, and what it means by starting from the bottom up. It takes determination, dedication, and direction and that’s why her mission is to ‘step up & inspire.

Follow Art Of How To

Let’s Talk De Stigmatize Mental Health

Observed every year on the 10th of October, 2023’s official theme is “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right.” Established in 1948, the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) began with associates ‘not of individuals or countries, but of societies’ from 46 nations. Today, with members and contacts in over 90 countries, the organization chronicles the emergence of a global movement that has tirelessly championed the cause of mental health awareness, shattered stereotypes around mental disorders, and kindled a beacon of hope for individuals worldwide. 

“The world was sick, and the ills from which it was suffering were mainly due to the perversion of man, his inability to live at peace with himself,” said George Brock Chisholm, the first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whom also suggested that the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) be devised. George Brock Chisholm, a Canadian psychiatrist, envisaged the WFMH as a global, non-governmental body to provide a link to grassroots mental health organizations and United Nations agencies. A radical thinker, Chisholm’s view that “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” gave an early direction to the WHO and the WFMH.

As the theme states, a “universal human right” is the right of every individual to seek help from mental health professionals when required. Most mental health illnesses increase in proportion or multiply when kept within oneself. It is considered more dangerous than physical ailments. A majority across the globe die from undetected mental disorders vis a vis physical ailment. 

How many times has it happened that when you spoke on mental health or shared your problems with your friends, family, peers, or colleagues, you felt invalidated and rejected? Did they feel the same way? When you spoke about being low or depressed, how did your loved ones or others around you react to it? 

Did they tell you the following – 

“It is okay. This too shall pass”? 

“Deal with it and move on.” 

“It is normal. It happens. Don’t take it too seriously.” 

“It is all in the mind. Could you not listen to it? It is confusing you.”

“You are alright. Keep telling yourself you are fine.”

Try counting the number of times your friends spoke about them silently suffering from depression, insomnia, or unhealed psychological wounds – they feared being judged if they talked to a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or a therapist. 

It is high time we normalized the importance of being healthy emotionally and mentally. Let us not wish away any mental ailments and disorders. They must be treated with as much care as physiological conditions and illnesses. Going to a therapist, psychotherapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist must be accepted as going to a general physician. Mental health is often associated with disorders and syndromes only. But it goes beyond all these. There are many more. 

10 Reasons Why talk On Mental Health

Talking about mental health is crucial for several reasons. Here are ten important reasons why we need to address mental health openly and honestly:

1. Destigmatizing mental illness

Open conversations help break the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. When we talk openly, it normalizes the experiences of those dealing with mental health issues. Everyone’s journey is different – some have a happy life, some suffer traumas, and some are frustrated because of a lack of purpose and goal. 

2. Raising awareness

Social media, public platforms, TEDx talks, television, and web series increasingly focus on spreading mental health awareness through shows and movies. Social media influencers are creating reels on Instagram, openly discussing their life experiences and the importance of therapy.

3. Encouraging help 

Many of us have issues seeking help since we are conditioned to “straighten our crowns” on our own. Many families discourage their children from discussing problems by invalidating them or making them look small. But when things spiral out of proportion, the suffering children or the said adults are labeled as “gone cases” or “stressed individuals.” If mental health is openly discussed, individuals are more likely to search for help when they need it, leading to timely interventions and better outcomes. Radio stations in the country have become a haven for people to air their views or vent anonymously. They have shows aired for the same.

4. Promoting understanding

Open conversations promote understanding among family, friends, and communities. Understanding mental health fosters empathy and support for individuals dealing with mental health challenges.

5. Preventing suicide

Suicide helplines and various mental health organizations – government and private are helping individuals fight depression and extreme suicidal thoughts. These are available 24/7 for anyone who wants to talk to someone anonymously. Many suicides have been prevented by certified counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists just through conversations with the suffering individuals. Talking openly about mental health can help identify signs of suicidal thoughts or behaviours, allowing for timely intervention and support.

6. Improving relationships 

Families that share a healthy and transparent atmosphere at home ensure a healthy generation to thrive. Children in such families benefit a lot from open communication about mental health without fearing judgment. This leads to stronger bonds and better support systems.

7. Reducing discrimination 

Talking openly about mental health can reduce judgemental tendencies among people to judge others and help fight prejudice faced by people with mental health conditions. This will enable them to lead more fulfilling lives minus the baggage created by society. The words “therapist,” “psychologist,” and “psychiatrist” will not be spoken in hushed tones.

8. Enhancing overall health

If you are emotionally and mentally in good health, then physically, there will be no issues as well. Talking about your inner wounds, hurt, and disappointments will help.

9. Boosting productivity 

Mental health problems can affect productivity at work or school. Addressing mental health openly can lead to supportive environments, which, in turn, can enhance productivity and creativity.

10. Advocating for policies & resources 

Countries are now opening doors for healthy discussions on serving better mental health services and policies. When more people talk about mental health, it becomes a societal priority, leading to improved resources and support systems.


Priya is a quirky writer/photographer/closet poet, and singer who has traversed a non-conventional path. As a former entertainment journalist who has worked in print and online media for a decade, Priya loves talking to people and writing their unspoken stories. She is the single parent of an 8.5-year-old son settled in Tamil Nadu and a freelance Content Consultant. Priya is also an informal mentor to parents in her local parenting network. She dreams of being an author and maybe a scriptwriter someday!

Follow Priya Rajendran

Take A Moment To Go Back In Time

Think of when we had all the time at our disposal – or so we felt. As kids, all we had to do was mind our business, do our homework, be nice to fellow kids, play, eat, and be mischievous! We didn’t prioritize sleep and half the things dear to us as adults!

We wore innocence that smelled better than the expensive perfumes we wear today. We carried our smiles that looked more admirable than all the branded clothes we could afford today. We greeted everyone wholeheartedly, which felt warmer than the fake likes and comments we shared on social media today. There were fewer mediums of communication but better social lives. There were more family dinners, peace of mind, and a better lifestyle back then! As time passed, so did most of the good things we enjoyed as kids! Today, we have kids of our own, and we wonder whether or not we will be able to give the same childhood we once lived to the next generation. Impossible as it may sound, it is quite possible with the memories you hold as an adult.

As responsible adults and caring parents, we should spend time with our children and help them understand that the world is not fast-paced. We can all slow down and give importance to creating healthier memories. The childhood of a child depends on what the parents have to contribute. We did not watch too many movies back then. Not many virtual friends. We played in the dirt and got wet on the beach. We wrote our homework down and needed to type on our notepads. We had real-time friends who we did not have to Facetime.

We visited grandparents during vacations. We ate traditional cooking from our Ammachis (Grandma) and Appachans (Grandpa) back then. We celebrated festivals at home. We need help finding families that cook an entire Onam Sadhya (feast) today! Thanks to all the overpriced “Mallu” restaurants that offer Onam Sadhyas today! The same goes for any festival, for that matter. Not many families decorate their homes from Christmas – it was a yearly ritual to do so during the season. Not only are kids missing out on the fun aspect of all this, but they are losing out on understanding and accepting the core and heart of such occasions. Onam is not just for the lavish feast that is served. Christmas is not simply about gifts, the tree, and the décor. The deeper meaning of such rituals is lost today. Children don’t know how traditions were made. And they will never know if we do not teach or show it to them.

We must explore horizons when it comes to raising kids. We must go beyond the possible to get that interest back and do something better than being busy with our day-to-day lives. We must dig a little deeper to go back in time for the sake of our children – to give them the little joys of life that we perhaps once lived.

We must be mindful of how and what we teach our kids. Yes, we have a more leisurely life today, but what are our kids losing out on? That personal touch? Those traditions that crafted our personalities for the better? Think about a world so cold that you know little about different cultures and ethnicities. All we have to do is take a moment and go back in time – not just for our kids, but for ourselves too. We must give our childhood back to ourselves to give our kids what they deserve. We know what we must do to preserve the essence of our families and ancestors who once lived. All we have to do is celebrate life and perhaps make everything a big deal! And when our kids grow up, they will make it a big deal, too.


Aakanksha Dinah, a passionate writer, orator, communicator focused on establishing a Training institution centered on creativity and innovation. Aakanksha is a true believer in loving the work we do and strongly believes in smart-work, the reason why creativity works better for her. Aakanksha is enormously focused on making a career in professional writing and publishing. She loves writing poems, self-help articles, and essays. An enthusiast when it comes to learning languages and in short, Aakanksha is a wanderer, an explorer, a mom, a dog-mom, a poet, a cook, a writer, and an influencer.

Follow Aakanksha Dinah

Recycle Declutter Your Art And Craft

All those who are parents or grandparents will be familiar with this. A room scattered with paper planes and other paper crafts, some sheets of paintings lying in the closet, and pieces of paper left after the cutting and pasting work. You walk into your child’s room and almost step onto some craftwork, or when you open their cupboard, a painting falls on your head (maybe just paper and not the canvas paintings, hopefully). You badly want to organize and keep it, but space constraints exist. 

Most of them will be school projects and personal craftwork done by children. You do not even want to throw them because you or your child have worked hard at making those creations. Children feel sad and heartbroken if you mention that their artwork/craft needs to be thrown away because there is no more space left. Spaces are far more limited in small apartments and flats vis-a-vis independent houses. Also, if there is more than one child in the house, there will inevitably be a constant fight for space to keep their belongings.

So how do you cut the cake and eat it too?

Make a digital archive

Scan or photograph the artwork and create a digital archive. You can organize these digital files by date or theme on your computer. This way, you can easily access and enjoy their creations without taking up physical space.

Turn art into a calendar

Choose the best pieces of your kids’ art (drawings/paintings) and create a custom calendar for the upcoming year. Each month can feature a different piece of their artwork, adding a personal touch to your daily routine. Dates can be written, resembling a calendar.

Make collages

Create collages using smaller pieces of artwork and even paper crafts. Cut out exciting elements and arrange them in a visually pleasing way on a large canvas or poster board. This way, you can display multiple art pieces in one unified piece.

Transform art into personalized gifts

Children’s artwork can be used to create personalized gifts for family and friends. You can turn their art into custom greeting cards, wrapping paper, or even print it on mugs, tote bags, or puzzles to give as unique presents.

Design your art gallery wall

Choose a dedicated wall in your home to use your kids’ art and craft work in rotation. Use frames or create a dynamic gallery with removable adhesive hooks so you can easily change and update the display as they make new pieces.

Paper mâché sculptures

Use paper boats and planes as a base for paper mâché sculptures. Add newspaper strips soaked in glue and water to create new shapes and forms. Once dry, paint and decorate your sculptures.

Collage art

Cut paper boats and planes into various shapes and use them in collage art projects. Incorporate them into new artwork by arranging and gluing them onto canvases, cardboard, or wooden surfaces.

Unique gift tags

Transform paper planes and boats into gift tags. Cut out smaller sections of the paper crafts and punch a hole at the top. Attach a string or ribbon, and you have a charming and personalized gift tag.

Paper mosaic

A mosaic is a work of art or design brought to life by arranging small, colorful fragments of various materials, including paper, tiles, glass, and others. You can cut the paper boats and planes into small, uniform pieces and create a colorful paper mosaic. Arrange the pieces to form patterns, images, or even abstract designs. Glue them onto the surface to create visually appealing artwork. 


If the paper boats and planes are still in relatively good condition, you can fold them into new origami creations. Turn paper boats into swans or frogs and fold paper planes into cranes or butterflies. There are many origami tutorials available online to guide you through the process.

Handmade greeting cards

Use paper boats and planes as decorative elements on homemade greeting cards. Cut, fold, or glue them onto cardstock or plain cards to create personalized and eco-friendly greetings.

Decorative mobile

Suspend paper boats and planes from a wooden or wire frame to create a decorative mobile. Hang it in a child’s room or any space needing a playful touch.

Papier-Mâché Pinata

If you have a paper boats and planes collection, you can repurpose them to make a papier-mâché pinata. Cover a balloon or mold with layers of paper using a flour-water mixture. Once dry, paint and decorate it, then fill it with candies or small toys for a fun party activity.

Upcycled jewellery

Cut interesting paper boats and plane sections into unique jewelry pieces. Seal them with clear nail polish or a waterproof sealant to protect them from wear and tear. These can be good gifts, too!

Remember to recycle any paper scraps or remnants you cannot repurpose into new creations to minimize waste. Recycling and upcycling can be a fun and creative way to extend the life of your paper boats and planes while reducing their environmental impact. The key is to strike a balance between preserving the sentimental value of the artwork and decluttering your space. You can also involve your kids in selecting their favorite pieces for these creative projects. This is another way of spending time with your children minus screen time. 

So, let us inspire our children to recycle and reuse their art! After all, recycling artwork is not just a practice of repurposing materials. It is a celebration of creativity, sustainability, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. With each piece of art crafted from discarded materials, we breathe new life into the forgotten and elevate the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is a powerful reminder that the art world knows no boundaries and that even in our pursuit of beauty, we can be stewards of our planet. So, let us continue to explore the possibilities, challenge our imaginations, and embrace the art of recycling as a meaningful and impactful way to shape a more vibrant and sustainable world, one masterpiece at a time!


Priya is a quirky writer/photographer/closet poet, and singer who has traversed a non-conventional path. As a former entertainment journalist who has worked in print and online media for a decade, Priya loves talking to people and writing their unspoken stories. She is the single parent of an 8.5-year-old son settled in Tamil Nadu and a freelance Content Consultant. Priya is also an informal mentor to parents in her local parenting network. She dreams of being an author and maybe a scriptwriter someday!

Follow Priya Rajendran

Laugh Out Loud

It is so much fun to share a good laugh with your friends and family and, sometimes, just with yourself! Besides being fun and engaging, did you know that laughter is one of the essential parts of your life? It is vital to relieve you from any mental stress and crucial for your physical health and overall well-being. Laughing out loud can help you boost your immune system, strengthening you physically. Talking about laughter and how it enables you to maintain a healthy lifestyle also increases your mood and makes you emotionally intense. It is known as a powerful antidote for conflict and pain, easing mental pressure off you.

Laughing and having many health benefits also aids in developing a more positive personality. You can draw people towards you positively by being a joyful person. You can heal people and yourself with a peal of good laughter! The act lightens your burdens and mood, enlightens you deeper, inspires hope, keeps you more focused, and helps you forgive and forget easily.

Haha! The best part is that this beautiful medicine is free and easy to use! With abundant power to renew and heal, laughter mightily enhance your relationship with people and yourself! Laughter also helps defuse conflicts, strengthen teamwork, and promote group bonding, essential for social life. It is no joke that you can relieve your stress from laughter. Some giggles and guffaws are all you need to do you some good!

As cliché as ‘laughter is the best medicine’ sounds, it sure is a fact! Laughing releases feel-good endorphins in your body, keeping you happy! Happy you are the best version of yourself! Also, laughing out loud helps you burn calories – now you know what to add to your weight loss routine!

Depression is something people fight today. With immense work and lifestyle stress and pressure, depression has crept into the lives of many. Laughing and practicing to be happy consciously directly affects how you fight depression. It may not be easy, but it is worth giving a try.

Watching a happy, feel-good movie or a comedy show can help. Reading funny stories or lavishly joking with friends could help. Whatever enables you to laugh works best! How you would like to receive this joyous experience is up to you. Laughing is a natural reaction to feeling and being happy. It is a powerful and intense expression that is often contagious. Laughing does good for your physical and mental health and creates a positive energy and aura around you. You will unintentionally touch the lives of others by being a vibrant person yourself.

According to Norwegian research, people with a good sense of humour outlive others who don’t laugh nearly as much – laughter can prolong your life! Sounds interesting. Especially for patients with chronic diseases, the results of laughing out loud were startling! Laughing is an expression God has instilled in each one. You don’t need a reason to laugh. You may have laughed your lungs out for no significant reason as a kid. As you grow up and life hits you hard, humor, laughter, and finding joy in little things all vanish. As an adult, you are often drowned in your daily routine and the stresses of work and so on. It is not as usual you get to share a good laugh with someone. It is alright. You are not alone. However, it is essential to take some time off those stresses and laugh your heart out. It can drastically change the way you perceive things! You will become more open to newness and will be able to welcome challenges and be more optimistic. You will focus better and perform better. You will be able to weigh what is important and what is not.

You will find a way when it is difficult to do so. Being happy and finding joy in the little things in life completes you as a person. Being content is one of the most significant gifts you can give yourself. Being joyful and happy is priceless. Your hustle and success are only worth a dime if you are content and comfortable at the end of the day!

Laugh out loud because you deserve it. Laugh out loud because you can! Laugh out loud because it is the right way to live. Laugh out loud because you can inspire many more to do so. Laugh out loud because you are born to live and live happily!


Aakanksha Dinah, a passionate writer, orator, communicator focused on establishing a Training institution centered on creativity and innovation. Aakanksha is a true believer in loving the work we do and strongly believes in smart-work, the reason why creativity works better for her. Aakanksha is enormously focused on making a career in professional writing and publishing. She loves writing poems, self-help articles, and essays. An enthusiast when it comes to learning languages and in short, Aakanksha is a wanderer, an explorer, a mom, a dog-mom, a poet, a cook, a writer, and an influencer.

Follow Aakanksha Dinah

The Butterfly Effect

What we do has an altering effect on the universe. Simple things like waking up and getting ready to work affect what kind of personality we possess. Minor occurrences can profoundly affect the way the world works! Would you believe if someone said that a butterfly flapping its wings in some part of the world could cause a hurricane in another part of the world? Unrealistically true! It is called the butterfly effect in simple terms. The little things we do can impact the world in a much larger spectrum.

The butterfly effect can work both positively and negatively. It is why we emphasize doing good and being good to the world. It is not about the faucet leaking in our bathrooms – it is about how it can result in famine and drought in some parts of the world. It is not about making a difference in society – it is about the more profound impact we create in the hearts of humans in some strange part of the world. Every good we do stays in the world. Likewise, every bad we do remains, too.

Therefore, our innate responsibility is to give this world what it deserves – goodness! People around us, animals, plants, water, and earth, all need a lot of merit to nullify the effect of what is going on in the world: all the crime, all the hatred, all the racism, and the negativity that is going on among ourselves and towards mother nature can come to a stop if only we knew how to reverse it with our influence! We need to harbor more power, wisdom, and intelligent thoughts to maneuver the steering toward progress, impacting the world and its people in the best way possible. Every action has an equal reaction, so they say. What must come out of our efforts must be our choice, and that choice will impact the world at large! The better we think and do, the better we receive. The power lies within each one of us to make a change. We hold the prowess within each of us to make this world a much better place to live in – not only for ourselves but for the future we create.

If we dig a little deeper and think of it, the competition is good as long as it is healthy. However, only some know what healthy competition is. Therefore, it is essential, as adults, to raise a generation that knows the butterfly effect and does precisely what they are supposed to do to reverse the adverse effects that we have been harboring in this world for all these centuries.

The butterfly effect assumes that the world is interconnected in every way – from the climate to the cultures practiced worldwide. One small occurrence can influence a much larger complex system. Therefore, it is wrong to understand that our small actions and influence do not impact the big picture. We all contribute to this world equally as homosapiens. Simply put, our idea of ‘how will my not littering the road affect the overall cleanliness of the state’ is wrong. Our one vote can make a difference, our small action of closing the tap appropriately makes a difference, our driving responsibly on the road, and our keeping the house and our surroundings clean makes a difference. Everything we do makes a massive difference in the bigger picture, and it’s a fact!

Talking about occurrences, a slight delay in our timing, the choices we make, the movies we watch, the words we speak, everything is interconnected. But coincidences are a major part of the butterfly effect. Nothing happens without a reason or a more significant connection to ourselves or this world. When the world conspires, we achieve. That conspiration comes from the actions and reactions of ourselves and several others worldwide, and it is legit. Therefore, we must fulfill this world’s basic needs and do and think good to reap the best of the world. The butterfly effect is not an idea; it is the basic rule of life where we learn that our lives are not merely to live and die – it is to create a difference in this vastness that gave us life!


Aakanksha Dinah, a passionate writer, orator, communicator focused on establishing a Training institution centered on creativity and innovation. Aakanksha is a true believer in loving the work we do and strongly believes in smart-work, the reason why creativity works better for her. Aakanksha is enormously focused on making a career in professional writing and publishing. She loves writing poems, self-help articles, and essays. An enthusiast when it comes to learning languages and in short, Aakanksha is a wanderer, an explorer, a mom, a dog-mom, a poet, a cook, a writer, and an influencer.

Follow Aakanksha Dinah

Festive Hacks To Pep Up Your Wardrobe

From August, it marks the beginning of major Indian festivals and the wedding season – back-to-back celebrations, ceremonies, poojas, presents, festivals, and festivities. Bridal stores and markets are flooded with vibrant and colourful outfits with the snazziest designs. It is a time to go bling-bling! 

Beginning with Independence Day, Raksha Bandhan, Krishna Janmashtami, Teej, Onam, and Ganesh Chaturthi in August, the next few months are dotted with fun-filled festivals!

Online retail is at its peak now, with most stores putting up sales and discounts for the festive season. You name it, and they have it! The garment demands are increasing, and no one is shying from buying more. It is not just buying to fill the wardrobe, mind you! It is a time for everyone to detox their wardrobe and refill it with fresh prints, patterns, and designs to suit all occasions. 

Apart from readymade garment retail stores, many boutiques have sprung up online and offline. Open your Instagram and Facebook, and you will find the choicest outfit options. Not to mention, social media influencers are promoting various brands, including their labels too.

Clothes boost the mood and bring a different kind of hormone rush during retail therapy. It sets the tone for every occasion. Whether it is children, teens, young adults, or senior citizens, the market embraces one and all with its unique colours.

Tips To look
stylish & comfortable For festivals

All Indian festivals are known for their vibrant and diverse traditions, including the beautiful outfits people wear for all rituals.

Mix & Match

Do not hesitate to mix and match different pieces from your wardrobe to create a unique outfit. Combine traditional elements like a kurta or blouse with modern bottoms or accessories.

Drape dupattas in style

If you are wearing a suit or lehenga, experiment with different ways to drape your dupatta. Try the classic over-the-shoulder drape, a front pallu style, or even wear it like a scarf for a contemporary twist.

Pair with statement jewelry

Pair your outfit with statement jewelry pieces like jhumkas (dangling earrings), maang tikka (forehead ornament), choker necklaces, statement rings or stacked bangles to add a touch of elegance and tradition.

Pre-stitched sarees

If you are not uncomfortable draping a traditional saree, opt for a pre-stitched or ready-to-wear saree. These are easy to put on and maintain the elegant look of a saree without the hassle.

Chic, comfy footwear

Indian festivals often involve a lot of walking and standing. Choose comfortable footwear like juttismojaris, or wedges that complement your outfit while providing comfort.


Consider layering your outfit with a stylish jacket, shrug, or cape if the weather is cooler. This not only adds a fashionable element but also keeps you warm.

Splash around with colours 

Indian festivals are all about vibrant colours. Don’t shy away from experimenting with bold and contrasting color combinations to make your outfit stand out.

Hair n makeup

Your hairstyle and makeup can significantly enhance your festival look. Opt for traditional hairstyles like braids, buns, or open curls. For makeup, focus on accentuating your eyes and lips while keeping the rest of the look fresh and natural.

Comfortable fabric

Choose breathable and comfortable fabrics, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Fabrics like cotton, silk, and lightweight chiffon are good options.

Belt it up 

Adding a belt to your ethnic outfit can help define your waist and add a touch of modernity. It works particularly well with dresses, sarees, and lehengas.

Anarkali or long kurtas 

Anarkali suits or long kurtas paired with leggings or palazzos are comfortable yet elegant choices. They offer freedom of movement and a regal look.

Saree with a twist 

Try unique draping styles for your saree, such as the dhoti-saree or pant-style saree, for a contemporary and stylish appearance.

Bespoke Tailoring

Sometimes, getting your outfit tailored to fit you perfectly can make a huge difference in your overall appearance. A well-fitted outfit looks more polished and stylish.

Remember, the key is to embrace your style while incorporating elements of tradition. Indian festivals celebrate diversity, so feel free to experiment and have fun with your festival outfits. It’s time for me to rush off to get ready! Signing off with a festival wish from me to all of you:  “As we light the festive lamps of hope and love, may your life be blessed with joy and prosperity.”


Priya is a quirky writer/photographer/closet poet, and singer who has traversed a non-conventional path. As a former entertainment journalist who has worked in print and online media for a decade, Priya loves talking to people and writing their unspoken stories. She is the single parent of an 8.5-year-old son settled in Tamil Nadu and a freelance Content Consultant. Priya is also an informal mentor to parents in her local parenting network. She dreams of being an author and maybe a scriptwriter someday!

Follow Priya Rajendran

Grief A Lonely Road

August has always been so fulfilling and joyous for me because, to each person, their birth month is particular. By the end of July, my excitement would soar about turning a year older and anticipating all the celebrations that would take me through the day. That was until I turned twenty-five. Then, it dawned upon me that childhood and its naiveness must peel out its layers. For the last five years, I have barely felt any excitement about my birthday, at least not on that day. And then, precisely two years ago, I spent nearly 20 days of my supposedly favourite month in the hospital ICU tending to my ailing father.

With a strong memory of each day I spent walking through that door, even at non-visitor hours, August just started piercing more and more. I remember my birthday with the darkest thoughts coming over me, when I went with evening soup for him and the electricity went off. As the fire alarm beeped every three seconds, I felt trapped inside, already imagining the worst. Back then, my phone had beeped with yet another text, “Happy Birthday, have a great one,” that snapped me out of that dark hole. The lights were
back on 10 minutes later, but I still felt blinded by where my thoughts had led me.

My father had spoken two sentences to me that day. Of course, he did not remember it was my birthday after a brain hemorrhage, and I did not feel the need to remind him. He asked about the doctor’s visit before the heavy medication dozed him off. So, his last birthday wish was technically three years ago. August, which gave me some of my happiest memories of friendship day and birthday celebrations, also took my strength away.

This month, this year marks my father’s second death anniversary. These two years went by without seeing him, hearing his voice, receiving his texts, or fighting with him have whizzed past, but not without leaving me lonely for many days. It is interesting how grief has such a strong hold over you that it can really shake up the fond, happy memories of almost 30 years you shared to take place as a stinging replacement.

Grief doesn’t take time to settle in. It just arrives and stays with you. It almost becomes a part of your emotions; it sits behind on most days. But on days when you feel low, it comes forward to take you to a phase where you have been sadder. All it needs is a minute trigger of your negative mind space, and it instantly offers an unwanted company. The real struggle is now navigating your way out from your initial trigger and unlatching the grief alongside.

Things going bad at work, having a fight with your spouse, messing something up, and your grief starts convincing you – that this could have been avoided had the person you lost been alongside you. Your logical mind knows this is your mind playing with you, and you let it. You start missing them, the tears flow, and you wonder how they persuaded you today. This is especially true in the case of losing parents.

One thing I’ve learned with my ways of dealing with grief is that you won’t always have the support you thought you would. And on most days, it is YOUR battle. And alone.

The loss is personal, so you should find your shield to protect it from forbearing it on others. Because others may or may not have had their grief encounters yet, their convincing attempts with, “Whatever happened, happened for good,” “He was suffering, it was what he wanted to,” “Stop crying over it, he won’t like it” and so on feel so lackluster and sick.

It has been two years, and people expect things to improve for me. It can make the bearer feel they are falling behind because it has been ‘x’ number of ‘years.’ I know they are, but it is my road to progress, and you cannot measure it in the bulk of 365 days.

The absence of the person does not feel physical but emotional. The loneliness intensifies before it starts lessening. Your grief has got you on a new terrain, and you must walk the path back, leaving the suffering aside and retaking the lonely road. This differs from the road you have been on; it comes with ridges, downward slopes, and upward trails. This is no less than a trek of emotions.

August – I remember most days that were spent speaking to doctors, running around for test results, seeking second/third opinions, having hard conversations with other family members, and the exhaustion of being the first bearer of the eventual bad news to come. I also remember wearing party hats, dressing special, cutting cakes, smiling through pictures, and leaning to seek my parents’ blessings, only to be held by my father midway and hugged.

He would say, “My blessings are always with you.” This rings true as he now blesses me from his abode above. Grief will make you walk this lonely road because you are supposed to be here alone. Only you can take your road to recovery back.


Writer by day, an overthinker by night. I let my thoughts flow through my writing. As a definite misfit, I let my words speak louder than my actions. Welcome to my journey of sailing through emotions and experiences, with words as my paddles.

Follow Riddhi Jadhav